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Gerardo Mosquera (Havana, 1945). Curator, art critic, art historian and freelance writer. Advisor to the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Holland, and other cultural institutions. Member of the boards of several international art magazines and art centers. Co-founder of the Havana Biennial and co-curator of its three initial editions. He has also been curator of the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, artistic director of PHotoEspaña, Madrid, the IV Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan, the III Documents, Beijing, and the XXI Bienal de Arte Paiz, Guatemala. He has organized other biennials and numerous international exhibitions around the world. He has published several books and more than 700 texts in other books, catalogs and magazines in many countries. Among other topics, he has reflected on issues of art, globalization and cultural dynamics, and on the notion of Latin American art. He received a Guggenheim Fellowship, New York, in 1990.

Art ‘from’ Latin America

Latin America suffers from an inflation of national representations that contrasts with the disaster of its nation...