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Eloy Viera Cañive Cienfuegos (1987). Law Degree (2011). Since 2017, he has promoted the Fundación Colectivo Más Voces. He has collaborated with several Cuban independent media, mainly El Toque where he coordinates the project El Toque Jurídico (elTOQUE Jurídico). Armando Chaguaceda. Cuban political scientist and historian graduated from the University of Havana (Cuba) and the University of Veracruz (Mexico). Researcher specialized in government and political analysis, and country-expert of the V-Dem project. He studies the processes of democratization and self-cratization in Latin America and Russia.

How to Read the 11-15 Protest?

Seventy-two hours after 11-15, many are focusing exclusively —how could they not— on the departure from Cuba...