Tag: Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara

Cuban Artist Luis Manuel Otero Interviewed from Prison

More than two and a half years have passed, half of his sentence, since the jailing of...

Cuban artist Samuel Riera talks about Luis Manuel Otero...

More than a decade ago, Samuel Riera and Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara (LMOA) met. LMOA started attending...

Cirenaica Moreira: “Your Life Cannot Always Be a Broken...

She’s lucky, she says, as these days in Washington D.C. the cold is definitely not so cruel...

I Was a Witness in the Trial against Luis...

The courts in Cuba are places where punishment is administered. Justice is conceived as the safeguard of...

Against Tyranny (From St. Petersburg to San Isidro)

The resignation of a nonagenarian Raúl Castro as head of the Communist Party, the most important position...

Cuba: Fictionalize a possible country

1. Fiction as an irruption of the present time Nothing happens unless first we dreamed. Carl Sandburg This text is...

The Coming Country

I The relationship between aesthetics and politics in Cuba, commonly circumscribed to the post-59 period, corresponds to a...

A Thousand Ways to Die in an Accident

There is a moment in the political struggle where there is no place for chance. Totalitarian states build...