Tag: MSI

I Was a Witness in the Trial against Luis...

The courts in Cuba are places where punishment is administered. Justice is conceived as the safeguard of...

Prosecution’s Office Is Demanding Seven and Ten Years for...

Cuban prosecutors are asking for seven and ten-year prison sentences for the artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara...

Trials Begin for Cuba Protesters without Defense Attorneys

“Summary” proceedings to sentence participants in the July 11th protests for crimes of inciting public disorder and...

The Last Prison of Maykel Osorbo

I spoke with Maykel Osorbo the morning of his arrest, on Tuesday, May 18th. By that date the...

Against Tyranny (From St. Petersburg to San Isidro)

The resignation of a nonagenarian Raúl Castro as head of the Communist Party, the most important position...

What is the 27N?

On the morning of November 27, 2020, a group of Cuban intellectuals and artists began a sit-in...

Disneyfication of San Isidro

As far as the Cuban issue is concerned, the anti-Trumpist exile is between a rock and hard...

There is no spoon. Notes on “Contempt” in Cuba

—Do not try to bend the spoon, that’s impossible. Instead, just try to realize the truth —What truth? —There...