Tag: Cuban regime

Cuba: Fictionalize a possible country

1. Fiction as an irruption of the present time Nothing happens unless first we dreamed. Carl Sandburg This text is...

Diary of a Spectator Embarrassed to Be Just That

November 16th I have left Cuba under unhappy circumstances that I do not want to relate. I will...

The surprise and the maneuver: creative mobilization and authoritarian...

                     He who despairs over an event is...

40 Degrees of Repression in Cuba

The temperature of repression in Cuba rises like the fever on the days of a pandemic. It...

Response to my critics

I welcome the broad range of opinions and analyses of Cuba as a totalitarian state. This is...

Cuba: the failure of the elites

One cannot serve today those who make history, one must serve those who are subject to it. Albert Camus What...

They are dying in Cuba, and yes, this is...

Movimiento San Isidro aims at the heart of whatever is left of the Cuban Revolution, and it...