Tag: Cuban regime
Cuba: Fictionalize a possible country
1. Fiction as an irruption of the present time
Nothing happens unless first we dreamed.
Carl Sandburg
This text is...
Diary of a Spectator Embarrassed to Be Just That
November 16th
I have left Cuba under unhappy circumstances that I do not want to relate. I will...
Society & Politics
The surprise and the maneuver: creative mobilization and authoritarian...
He who despairs over an event is...
Society & Politics
40 Degrees of Repression in Cuba
The temperature of repression in Cuba rises like the fever on the days of a pandemic. It...
Society & Politics
Response to my critics
I welcome the broad range of opinions and analyses of Cuba as a totalitarian state. This is...
Society & Politics
Cuba: the failure of the elites
One cannot serve today those who make history,
one must serve those who are subject to it.
Albert Camus
Society & Politics
They are dying in Cuba, and yes, this is...
Movimiento San Isidro aims at the heart of whatever is left of the Cuban Revolution, and it...