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Iván de la Nuez. Essayist and curator. Among his books are La Balsa Perpetua [The Perpetual Raft], El Mapa de Sal [The Map of Salt], Fantasía Roja [Red Fantasy], El Comunista Manifiesto [The Comunist Manifesto], Teoría de la Retaguardia [Theory of the Rear Guard] and Cubantropía [Cubantrophy]. Among his exhibitions, La Isla Posible, Parque Humano, Postcapital, Atopía, Iconocracia, Nunca Real/Siempre verdadero y La Utopía Paralela [The Possible Island, Human Park, Postcapital, Atopia, Iconocracy, Never Real / Always True and The Parallel Utopia].

The Photographer Tempted by Death

Boris Mikhailov was born in Kharkiv (Ukraine, 1938). Although his recognition was relatively late, he has won,...

If You Copy Something, Give Something Away

We live obsessed with sharing everything: ideas and images, selfies and memes, brainy projects and frivolities, addresses...

Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea: 1990-1991

I It starts with the suspension of the Cold War, and Cubans at the center of the conflict. It...

Museums’ Down Time

In these emphatic times, content has become an obsession. Hence, museums or companies, communication multinationals or havens...

How Do You Decolonize a Museum?

The Spanish Minister of Culture, Miquel Iceta, has just asked himself the question that serves as the...

Museum and New Normal Order

A specter is haunting the world, and it is that of the New Normal Order. That mirage...

Alone in the Museum

Kate believes she is the last living person on the planet and decides to spend her days...

The Icebreaker. Theory and Practice of a Winter Night

Julián Rodríguez has a plan… And it consists, basically, in breaking blocks. Those that separate art and literature,...