

An Interview with Armando Lucas Correa, ‘New York Times’ Bestselling Author

Even for those of us who know him, the professional life of Armando Lucas Correa seems as...

Ireti Bookstore, the First Bookstore for Afro-descendants in Cuba. An Interview with Its Founder and Director

Whenever Katiuska Govin Zambrana—who insists on being called Kata—went to visit private or state-owned bookstores in Havana,...

Cuban Science Fiction of the 1990s: Between Provocation and Change

The temporal remoteness, the lack of rigorous historical research and the little diffusion that Cuban science fiction...

The Word as Signal in Roberto Echavarren’s Writing

In Roberto Echavarren’s writing, reflection on language is given, as Julio Ortega pointed out regarding José Lezama...

Lydia Cabrera and the Dark Rebellions

Lydia Cabrera was part of the Africanist movement almost since its origins, and true to the excitement...

Epistle to Any Student of Our Time in Defense of the Western Canon

To Harold Bloom and Isaías Lerner, In memoriam. I am human, and I think nothing human is alien...

“Memories of Underdevelopment”: a photographic series from today’s Cuba

Certainly, “Memories of Underdevelopment” is a series inspired by the novel and film of the same name,...

‘Historia y masoquismo’ by Enrique del Risco

Every worthwhile essay collection provides at least one revelation. Historia y masoquismo by Enrique del Risco...